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Date: Sat,11 Jun 2011

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I am writing to ask if anybody else is experiencing tremors.
I first noticed these tremors I was sitting very quietly i could feel my body oscillating I thought, "this is quite amazing, I wonder what is happening here" But the last two weekend (I don't normally lie in bed I'm up for work at 5.45 so if im not working at the weekend will have a lie in) whilst lying in bed I have felt tremors I initially when it happened thought I was experiencing a little earth tremor. Well it happened again this morning and it went on for sometime. The reason for asking is I asked my son if he experienced it and he said he hadn't and told me I was dreaming. I know this wasn't the case I was wide awake.
Is anybody else experiencing this, are these tremors connected to the earth shifting as we move into the next dimension.
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patsy said:

Well love at least you can say the earth moved for you, who was he?
Wed,16 May 2012,08:13:06 GMT

susan evans said:

yes me too!!!! I also felt it while lying in my bed the other night and during a healing session - my whole body was trembling and rocking at the same time - very powerful. this is definetly connected to the changing shifts of the earth and entering into the photon belt - we are having a collective experience. its beautiful xx
Sun,03 Jul 2011,22:47:46 GMT

sue said:

I can only see 19 comments how do I read the other 3 comments?
Fri,17 Jun 2011,16:47:24 GMT

sue said:

Angelmazy, The tremors are different from the body vibrating (ive experienced that too) The best way to describe it to you, to give you some sort of idea what it feels like is - you know when you have got a washing machine on spin and it bounces all over the place and you feel the floor vibrating (got a old washing machine lol) it is like that but on a wider scale.
Our guides, ascended masters, spiritual family and spiritual beings are all working and assisting us to clear the density that surrounds us. It is easier for them to access and for us to connect to our higher selves without us standing in the way when we sleep. They often take us to the halls of learning so we can access the information that we hold within. The vibration you are experiencing is when your energies are oscillating at a higher frequency it can also be when you've come back to quickly as your energies adjust to this lower frequency. You can call upon the ascended masters who are participating in this great outpouring of cosmic light ray during the seven sacred weeks. Go to the if you want more information on that. Hope that makes sense.
Fri,17 Jun 2011,16:42:25 GMT

Angelmazy said:

I don't know if this is the same as you are experiencing, but sometimes I wake up in the night and my body feels as though it is vibrating very very fast.
Thu,16 Jun 2011,15:47:29 GMT

Halina said:

Thu,16 Jun 2011,14:13:46 GMT

Sara said:

wow! how cool! and the best that you remembered it!! lol
how many groovy things have we done, or experienced and forgot! lol
sure alot of tv and movies are divinely inspired or twisted ideas to confuse or negate. like why are all the alien'' movies bad guys?! anyways,
i love that idea w the time thing. ive heard it as the photon belt that our solar system is passing thru. (etc) hence all the new energies...
thanks for sharin.
inLight, Sara
Thu,16 Jun 2011,07:53:52 GMT

Joanne Summerscales said:

I experienced these tremors in a very specific 'storyline' recently, when i was in Peru, on an Ayahuasca journey...basically, I went to bed, when all ceremony was over, only to experience these tremors, time and again, thinking they were also a mild earthquake. However, I asked what they were, and I was told that they meant we were getting closer to the 'time parallex' - in the story, I was captain of a space ship (all human) and had to get the ship through this closing parallex, and the ship was also under fire, and my job was to take control, and command the ship. We did make it through the parallex, and when I protested on more than one occasion that this was more star trek than star trek, the reprimand that came back was "DO YOU THINK IT WAS AN ACCIDENT THAT THOSE FILMS EVER GOT MADE? DO YOU"? So take that for what it is....I do believe that the battle was a real event in real time (26 May 2011) and I was kept awake all night having to manoeuvre the craft, when my logical mind let me!
Tue,14 Jun 2011,13:35:18 GMT

Sara said:

wow! so many of you feel those shakes and tremors in the night! interesting.. I havent felt that per se, but it could be imilar but im feeling it differently.
I have had a long health journey, and gotten better quite a lot! working thur the layers, clear one thing, on to the next!!
so yes, lets keep clearing ourselves. My Teacher says we are helping humanity and Earth by clearing ourselves, etc. neat!

As far as praying for others, I too have wondered about this and how to keep it honorable to their path. My teachers say to add
" For their highest good'' and for the highest good of all''

I like that and it seems to cover all the bases!

Im in Northern California. I also have this strong feeling "plant something" . its more like ''PLANT THINGS!' lol
qwe dont have a lot of dirt here, on a hill, so i got some wine barrels cut in half and filled with good soil. so we have a few veggies growing! at least its a start!
I suggest everyone grow something! ;) even just cilantro yum, or basil. doesnt have to be big or anything.
in Light~~ SAra
Tue,14 Jun 2011,07:10:33 GMT

jeanine said:

yes sue i agree with you , and i believe we are becoming even more ready for all the new energies, blending with them, which is affecting us all in all different ways and making us , so many of us very aware of our earth mother and feeling her move literally, as we merge into these energies, and yes our fields being cleansed, which causes some discomfort for a lil while then i believe we will be more centred and better than ever, i am feeling very peaceful even though so much chaos is going on in the world, it has to , so it can all be changed to a better way of living.... how wonderful we are not alone in this amazing experience of a lifetime x
Tue,14 Jun 2011,06:37:18 GMT

sue said:

What is refreshing to hear is how many of us are experiencing these tremors. I believe its spirit raising our vibration, cleansing our bodies/energy fields preparing us for the journey that is ahead.
Mon,13 Jun 2011,22:17:48 GMT

Heidi said:

Yes, I felt tremors a couple of nights ago. I had no idea what it was.

I remember feeling something similar years and years ago when I babysat a couple of children who's father passed. I had to spend the night in the house and my bed really shook. It's interesting that so many have felt this recently.
Mon,13 Jun 2011,21:02:51 GMT

Chris said:

I too have felt what i can only discribe as being shook, this happen at night when i'm asleep, it wakes me up. I feel as if someone is shaking the bed, my husband never feels this, i know that i am not dreaming when this happens, it also happens when i am sleeping away from home.
Mon,13 Jun 2011,19:48:27 GMT

Chris said:

I too have felt what i can only discribe as being shook, this happen at night when i'm asleep, it wakes me up. I feel as if someone is shaking the bed, my husband never feels this, i know that i am not dreaming when this happens, it also happens when i am sleeping away from home.
Mon,13 Jun 2011,19:47:47 GMT

Halina said:

Hi there, I too have felt these "tremors" they were very strong quiet a few months ago, but only happen rarely now, and are not as strong.
A Medium told me "those shakings inside you that you are feeling in the night, its your dad bringing you strong vortex healing" (I was poorly at the time and emotionally exhausted), I also beleive that it is to do with the new wave of energy that is coming our way in and will be most strong in 2012.
So either way, no you are not imaging it.
Take care
Love & Light
Halina x
Mon,13 Jun 2011,13:35:41 GMT

sue said:

Hi Jeanine,
Glad to hear your family are well.
Why don't we all link energetically at 10.00 P.M. GMT to send love, light and support to the people in Christchurch New Zealand.
I am very mindful of what i ask for. It is my believe (and it is only my opinion) asking to send healing may be not what that persons wants or needs. Maybe that person needs to experience the hardship, illness etc in order for them to grow energetically.If we ask for someone to be healed are we not prolonging their development or are we hindering the outcome. A friend of mine asked me if you ask to heal the earth but in order for them to heal the earth it meant the destruction of man would you still ask for it? It made me think of personal responsibility I am responsible for my actions. Our guides are always there to love and guide us, so within our understanding asking to send love and support I think it is ok to do so as it's coming from the heart with love.
Had another little temor and buzziness today It's great that all over the world people are experiencing it at the same time
Sara where are you from?
Brilliant that you are overcoming your asthma attacks.
I too have been more conscious of what i am eating and have started to grow some vegetables and herbs I'm also working in my garden connecting with mother earth. It may be my imagination but I'm feeling more positive and things are not getting to me as much - maybe because my attention is focused on other things but whatever it is I'm enjoying it.
Love to you all. Hope your having a nice day sue:-) (0)^!^
Symbols mean smile, hug and angels watching over you.
Mon,13 Jun 2011,11:40:19 GMT

jeanine said:

unfortunately there has been quite another big shake in christchurch new-zealand too, i am a kiwi born in the south island, part maori, some of my family, well alot of my family are there, so far there has been no fatalitys, thankgod, but its so crazy, like my bed and me was really shaking this morning. The quake happened 1; oclock n.z time which is like 10 oclock here in oz, as they 3 hours ahead, or 2, not sure cause of the daylight savings they have over there in some places. No bad news to report from my family.... but there has been alot of damage in an already devasted city..... so this adds further questions to my 'tremors' ????
Mon,13 Jun 2011,07:01:49 GMT

Sara said:

How nice, it seems, to feel those vibrations! especially when knowing more of the 'what is'.
Our light bodies and our phys bodies getting connected as well! whoo hoo!
About the breathing, its was and is pretty intense and surprising. I knew it was more than allergies and asthma. but it could Also be a massive clearing of a lifetime of lung issues! what a cool idea.
I stopped drinking coffee for the week and reduced everything to keep more calm. calm heart=mellow breathing.

I trt to not use the inhaler every time an ''attack'' or breathing spisode comes. So now, when i can, I sit and relax as best i can and just be with the episode.
sometimes it calms down without the meds! then i do some bodytalk or energy medicine and flower essences.
maybe those ideas can help someone else. its nice to also have practical things we can do~anyone else have ideas as well...
thanks for sharing!
Mon,13 Jun 2011,06:36:27 GMT

jeanine said:

yes everyone lets stay in contact over this, we have big lunar eclipse coming this week, and my 'good vibrations ' have increased already, so its going to be a very busy week energetically speaking, so wonderful we are sharing the same things, we are never alone on our journey to ascend... love and light to you all. It was a big sync, but that old song 'good vibrations' from the beach boys , i think it was there song was on the t.v when my youngest boy turned it on........ cool, grin x
Mon,13 Jun 2011,03:54:08 GMT

sue said:

Thanks all for reply to my enquiry. it's nice to know that others are experiencing it too. I must admit when I feel my body vibrating its a nice feeling. I feel as if i am merging that I being drawn into a expansion. Very exciting to be experiencing it. Lets all keep in contact with one another and share are experiences.
Love to you all
Sun,12 Jun 2011,18:01:02 GMT

karen cromer said:

Hello in response to your comment, yes I have felt these tremors for awhile now.They do feel like earth tremors, as we had an earthquake in Oxfordshire a while back and it feels the same.It a gravitational pull of some sort.
Sun,12 Jun 2011,13:58:00 GMT

Susan Angel said:

You are not alone in feeling this... whilst reading your words I also got a sense of how you experienced the energy in your body.
My personal experience is where the vibrations begin with my legs and it seems this is all connected with the energies that are coming in, our transition to the next dimension and also the earthly plates adjusting themselves.

Am fascinated by Sara's comment below as I too am asthmatic and am taking my inhaler more often than normal finding myself very breathless. A friend of mine is also experiencing the same problems.
I guess this is all part of our ascension process.
Sun,12 Jun 2011,13:27:14 GMT

jeanine said:

mmm when it first started happning i was a little panicky, and my heart rate accelerated, but ive allowed and not resisted and now i find it very nice these vibrations, they make me feel really good and so i look forward to them, but cannot predict when the will happen..... ive been told it is the light coming into our cells, as we transform on very deep levels, our bodies can accept more light and download more and more as our whole dna is awakened and latent senses shake themselves awake X
Sun,12 Jun 2011,10:09:14 GMT

Sara said:

yes! I have too. My friend says its probably the new energies coming in. its like waves, and theyve reduced it to waves so we can adjust. ahhh
personally, I had a lot of breathlessness, and asthma like episodes this past 2 weeks. I even have asthma and this was way beyond what i normally experience. it was a little scary even tho i know a little! of whats going on!
Also there were solar lfares and all kinds of things could be contributing. humanity, global events,, etc..
good luck and many blessings!
maybe we can all share ideas to help with this adjusting!?
Sun,12 Jun 2011,06:23:55 GMT

jeanine said:

yes i have especially when i meditating, but also when like you i was having a lie in bed as my younger children were staying with their older brother...... but if i am honest this vibrating is and has been happning quite alot, even when im out and standing waiting to be served at the shopping centre..... everything ripples or a gentle shudder, but i can feel the wave of energy, and its not unpleasant, i look about too see if anyone else is experiencing this, cause yes i thought first are we having an earth quake..... this is a wonderful confirmation for me.... thankyou so much for sharing, namaste.....
Sun,12 Jun 2011,03:03:45 GMT
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