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On this ever continuing learning curve that I have found myself walking at a steady incline, something which I am finding very hard to comprehend, is the fact that we choose our life experiences before we even come the earth plane?
I’m fully aware that we have a higher self and for that to evolve and continue developing to a better soul then it must return to the earth plane and learn the mistakes that it has previously not learnt!
Forgive me for my naivety and lack of knowledge regarding this area of spiritualism but from my previous article you will know that this is still very new to me, even after the 2 years that I have found myself working for spirit!
Why would my higher self come back to the earth plane and choose to suffer in the manner in which it did. Why would any soul choose to feel pain on such a depth??? I feel that that me Kevin Moores does have a higher self but I too as a physical being have the free will to make decisions in my life on my own. I feel like it is two spirits working separately to become one???
Take for instance the fact that I see the spirit world 24/7. I cannot escape this but with the discipline I have been able to control how close I allow them to come to me. Even with my eyes shut I cannot escape the spirit world; I look at this situation and rack my brains out trying to analyse it and argue in a healthy way those that are helping me here on the physical plane.
I see with my eyes, I cry with my eyes, I love with my eyes! Then I see with my souls eyes......and what the eyes of my soul see are completely different. My souls eyes again, see with their eyes, cry with their eyes, and they love with their eyes but all in a different manner. I don’t know where I’m going or trying to comprehend here with this article because as one understanding finally clicks into place the spirit world give me another 100 to understand.
It is a journey of constant learning that only unfolds as you grasp the situation/teaching put before you. If a physical being cannot see with his eyes all the materialistic things that surround him then is he able to see the spirit world in the dark world that he or she finds them self? Would a physician upon examining that blind person tell them that they are hallucinating? I have so many questions that are unanswered but no doubt as always they will enlighten me with the knowledge that I’m seeking.....take care and thank you for reading.....
Love, light, and laughter......always...Kev...
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