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A Celtic aeon, the triple goddess is an ancient divine, trifold being containing three separate goddesses, the face of the Maid, the Mother, and the Crone. Each one of the three goddesses represents a phase of a woman’s life cycle and is symbolized by and corresponds to the three of the monthly phases of the moon, which are the new moon waxing, the full moon, and the dark moon waning. Reflected through various believes as the three in one mystery, this powerful triple goddess is the undercurrent is the invisible engine that drives the female sex forward against all the odds and is responsible for both the perception and movement of feminism and female empowerment.
The first phase of a woman’s life is the Maiden who is associated with the waxing of the moon during which the amount of illuminated area of its surface increases from the earth’s perspective from its dark to new phase. This phase of the lunar cycle represents the first of your three major Saturn’s return cycles, which runs from the day of your birth to when at the age of 27 you enter your 2nd Saturn’s return, your major adulthood, the zenith of which is at the age of 28 and exist at the age of 29. Both 28-year major and 7-year minor Saturn returns provide you with a three-year window to undertake an internal review of self to clear out unhealthy habits and lifestyles so you can develop a healthier state of being.
From the ideological perspective, as the Maiden, you are perceived to be a girl who has not yet reached womanhood. Between the 2nd and 3rd quarters of your first Saturn’s return from the ages of 14 to 21, you are becoming an intelligent, vibrant, free-spirited young lady who is full of promise and potential. Although as a Maiden you have your whole life ahead of you, you are unaware of the benefits being the Mother and Crone, are full of new ideas that only youth can bring, and are at the dawn of your awakening. Nor are you aware of the ways of the world and or shackled by the responsibilities in life. However, you are instinctual, and have an innate caring, nurturing understanding insight for life in all its forms, which is harnessed by the type of resilience, strength, and courage that only endurance can forge and which will see you through the next two stages of your life, the mother and crone, as long as you don’t keep giving it away to the extent it compromises who you are.
Partnered with the full moon which appears fully illuminated from the earth’s perspective is the Mother, the second phase of a woman’s life. Working in tandem with the 3rd mini-cycle of your 1st Saturn’s return at the age of 21 and are preparing to enter your 2nd, your major adulthood, which starts at the age of 28, is your Motherhood aspect. It is the time of abundance, fertility, and personal growth which is enabled the gravitational pull of the monthly cycles of the new moon which influences pregnancy and birth as well as encouraging the plants to grow. You are accruing wisdom as you become experienced in the ways of the world. The meaning of Mother isn’t applied solely to having and raising children, in its broader sense as the Mother you receive inspiration to conceive, bear, and develop new ideas hence, the phrase necessity is the mother of invention. It is a time when your instincts of nurturing, caring, and understanding develop into traits and expand your awareness enabling you to apply what you learn to every aspect of your life. It is important to recognise that the Mother is also a sexual being, even if it has been put on hold due to the hard work involved in mothering, and as such are on your way to becoming a fulfilled woman. All women walk the path of motherhood in their own way and in their own time. They knowingly, willingly, and joyfully self-sacrifice for the sake of the continuance of compassionate humanity, despite the successive predominantly physical strength-based, patriarchal societies worldwide have been structured to use those very traits to disempower them.
The third phase of a woman’s life before preparation of transition is the one that can be the most fulfilling and rewarding. You enter Croneship between the 3rd quarter of your 2nd Saturn’s return and your 3rd, your second adulthood, at the age of 56 and takes up to the age of 84 and into the mini-cycles of your 4th Saturn’s, your transitional return to light being state. Croneship comes in the wake of the menopause, the flushes of which are the return of your energy that has been used during motherhood and is celebrated by the waning of the new moon as it enters the dark moon phase of the lunar calendar. It is a time when you cut the apron strings and discover whom you have become in your role as the Mother whilst you were building upon the knowledge and wisdom accrued during that 28-year cycle and learning to apply it to yourself rather than giving it to others – why? Because bottom line, no one can help, harm or heal you but yourself, secondly because you can, and thirdly, because you deserve it. Although the term crone or hag refers to the triple goddess it has been maligned by Shakespeare’s in his play Macbeth, the triple deity is stereotypically described as three hags and described “withered” “with skinny lips” “chapped fingers” and “beards”, “unearthly beings” which represent evil, darkness, chaos, conflict, and agents of temptation. This latter obviously references to Eve, whilst his phraseology endorses the term “a Witch”, who is in fact a spiritual, gifted Maiden, Mother or Crone who is connected to and interacts with both mother earth and the bisexual cosmos, as a derogatory and negative archetype of what to expect of women who are past a certain age. Unfortunately, these ageist, misogynistic stereotypes for older women have stuck and continue to mislead and misinform both women and men.
But the Maiden and the Mother, as well as the Crone, know better. Women know that because they were born disempowered in a male-driven society there is only one way to go and that is to use the energy produced by such an unequal status quo to become empowered. They know that without the menopause whilst retrieving their personal power through the hot flushes, they gain the freedom to do what they want to do when they want to do it and all without so much as a by your leave. In other words, the onset of your life as a Crone is to be celebrated and embraced not dreaded and feared as some women do. As a Crone you are living a life possessed with the wisdom to know better, it is one of understanding the nature of things and why, of youth and the gift they bring, recognising that happiness is fleeting and contentment lasts, and you entering the aging process recognising it is the beginning of better things to come as you release your mortal coil, if you can learn to take rather than to be forever giving.
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