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Psychics belong to one of the other oldest profession in the world, that of the “seer”, a person whose senses enable them to act as a conduit between those on the earth plain and spiritual beings who reside in the higher realms of existence to retrieve information which can’t be gained from any other quarter. Such information is insightful knowledge, a truer understanding of your circumstances that can help you transform your life for the better. As a result, psychics are thought of by many people from all walks of life to be an essential weapon in their coping arsenal which they reach for when deal with life’s challenges. So much so, that they’re now the new wellness coaches. So why do some people, many of whom have never consulted a psychic or know little if anything about the craft, think they’ a load of cobblers?
As is with most professions who interact with the public, different people have different needs and different psychics have different areas of expertise. However, added complications arise because psychics are not classified as professionals in the wellness sector but listed under the heading of “entertainers”. This anomaly causes a lot of confusion and misunderstanding by way of what you can expect when deciding to have a psychic reading; is visiting a psychic a bit of fun or a viable way to help yourself make sense of your life?
There’re other complications to be taken into account. As is with every other profession, some psychic’s will be better at their job than others, however, due to the nature of their craft, you will be drawn to one for a reason, irrespective of their proficiency. Then there is the issue that other professions don’t have to contend with the fact that psychics work with the intangible to receive the insightful knowledge, a process many people understandably find incredulous.
Then there is the matter of prediction. Contrary to popular believe, it isn’t the job of a professional psychic to predict, yet the entertainment label has led people to believe it is. It’s the psychics job to provide insightful knowledge that if included in your decision-making process, contributes toward you setting up and achieving your life goals. They do this through their senses, the most common being with some psychics “seeing” it and others “hearing” or “feeling” it or combination of all three.
Insightful knowledge on its own is inert it’s you who creates the reality from the information contain in it, a process called the self-fulfilling prophecy. The psychic hasn’t made a prediction, their skill lies in knowing how to retrieve such specialist information and deliver it accurately and intact, in a way that you can relate to and use. After the fact however, it’s very common for the client to consider they’ve received a prediction because they forget to include the role they had to play in the process. However, there are occasions when people, not just psychics, who receive detailed information about future events, and some people receive more information than others and psychics are among these people. This phenomenon is an entirely different process which isn’t yet fully understood but has nothing to do with that of the self-fulfilling prophecy, which is by far the norm.
Another complication that muddies the waters is there are readings during which the psychic has identified a blind side and/or entered one of your past lives during the reading without realizing it. This is a challenging hurdle for both you and the psychic to jump. If they’re worth their salt, a psychic will recognize when such a reading starts to develop and open up a discussion by asking Spirit what is going on, however, they will also know everything happens for a reason, and one of those reasons is a catalyst reading has developed.
This type of reading is similar to an intervention, with one difference, neither you nor your psychic are aware it’s been set up. Little if any warning is given for when it’s time for a catalyst reading takes place but one thing is for sure, it will have nothing to do with why you wanted a reading. It identifies itself by you being unable to resonate with the information that comes through, in about a truth or truths. Sometimes the truth can hurt, and at such times it is difficult to hear, recognize and/or accept. It can take from a few hours, to days, to a couple of weeks or years for such a catalyst reading to make sense; make no mistake though, one day you will find yourself thinking “so that is what the psychic was talking about”. If you can work with the experience and not toss it in life’s dustbin as a rubbish reading, thinking it was a waste of money, such readings can enable you to make life-changing decisions for the better. Catalyst readings are the main reason why some people think psychics are either inept, charlatans or fraudsters. However, remember everything happens for a reason and catalyst readings are a wake-up call for both the client and the psychic who is being shown they need to review their reading techniques and expand their knowledge of working with Spirit works to improve their reading skills.
Other reasons why it comes across that some people think psychics are a load of cobblers is they don’t believe the higher realms exist and/or they can’t be accessed, and last but not least, those, who belong to religions that preach psychics do the work of the devil. Having listened to those I have had pleasure of discussing such issues over the last twenty years of working as a professional psychic, it is clear to me that a considerable number of what many would call sceptics are not. There have been a few people who think psychics threaten or in some way feel we unintentionally dishonour their beliefs, but within the majority who do believe or know there is something more out there, what has put them off is they have either been mis-informed or had disappointing readings or are incredibly sensitive individuals who are suspicious of a process that is based in the unknown, and let’s face it, who wouldn't be. All these reactions are perfectly natural and understandable since psychics work within the unknown. The unknown is a scary place for most people and fear is a necessary evil and a powerful, primitive emotion.
What else should be taken into account is since time immemorial, there have been few unscrupulous people in every profession who use fear tactics to control or make money out of you, the psychic industry is no different and to expect otherwise is being naïve. Such people combined with the fallout of catalyst readings and genuine misunderstandings about what psychics do, give psychics a bad press. There is a reason bad press sells over good, your brain is programmed to be drawn to it, so it’s not surprising that the few within the psychic industry who use fear to manipulate you into thinking you need keep on paying for readings hit the headlines, and the spotlight rarely shines on the many dedicated psychics who provide empowering readings that help people life with the fallout of loss in one form or another.
Last but not least is the hidden majority, which consists of professional people who hold key positions and responsible jobs, the upper echelon of society who have regular readings but keep it to themselves for fear of ridicule or worse - losing their reputation or their job. Ask yourself, would those who don’t go to psychics go to a solicitor, an MP, a UN administrator, a judge or doctor who did? Probably not, then ask yourself why when by doing so the hidden majority are showing that they understand there is more than meets the eye, have the courage of their convictions and committed to becoming the best of who they are. Contrary to popular thought, the question to ask is why wouldn’t you want someone like that covering your back?
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