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Published by Hay House Inc. Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray. Reviewed by Wendy Stokes.
This deck has individual artworks by Lily Moses. Each boxed set has 55 cards with an accompanying guidebook. Cost: £10.29
Kyle Gray is an angel specialist and an author of several spiritual books, including the very popular and insightful book titled Lightworker Warrior, He has also created several divination card decks.
The full colour visionary paintings by Lily Moses are clear and strong.
Remove the cards and guidebook and you will find printed inside the box top: 'Guardians of the Four Corners, Mother in the Earth, Father in the Sky, Angels, Ancestors, Sacred Ones, I call on you and welcome you here now!' And on the inner of the bottom box: 'I set the intention that whatever is gained from the lessons learned from this tool will be dedicated to the growth of all beings in all places.'
The guidebook contains all the information required to conduct a reading for yourself or for others, including how to read the cards, create a bridge between this and the Otherworld, reversed card readings and what to avoid. A message of kindness and balance is given from archetypes that uplift, inform, guide and inspire. The deck is divided into sections with symbols, seasons, ancestral wisdom keepers and international guardians, with information about each and a short and more extended message. Spreads suggested are for a Two-Card Cross, cards for questions, a 9 card Celtic Compass, a 7 card Past-Life Lessons, a Three-Card Questions and One-Card Question. Card titles feature animals, elements, and male and female sages. I am impressed with the beauty of the two detailed ceremonies provided in the guidebook. The first and longest is to create connection and the other for cleansing. The card images are evocative and inspirational. I like the deck very much. Recommended.
Kyle Gray Website:
Lily Moses Website:
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