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Lesson 156 in A Course in Miracles, “I walk with God in perfect holiness,” deals with a key concept of ACIM, namely that ideas or thoughts cannot leave their source. If we remain an idea in the Mind of God, and ideas do not leave their source, then we are still one with God and with each other. This implies that the separation or the fall never took place, and so we have nothing to feel guilty about. When we dream of a world of separate bodies and of time and space, our true Identity does not change because we remain at Home in the Mind of God.
Lesson 156 is a lesson that can wipe away all fear. If we walk with God in perfect holiness it means that we are not weak, vulnerable and at the mercy of the ego; we are whole and complete and in the company of God, even though it may not be apparent to us. There is one God, one Life and one Mind, and we are all part of this Oneness. It isn’t easy to remember this all the time and to have enough trust in Jesus so that we don’t feel weak or afraid. But practise helps. It’s just a matter of constantly observing oneself, one’s thoughts, one’s fears and calling upon Jesus or the Holy Spirit when we feel we need Their Help.
The last few lines of Lesson 156 summarise the key teachings of A Course in Miracles in a beautiful way: “I walk with God in perfect holiness. I light the world, I light my mind and all the minds which God created one with me.”
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