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Learning new things

By:Barbara Neville
Date: Mon,19 Feb 2024
Submitter:barbara Neville

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Learning new things:

We are in the frequencies of enlightenment all the time now, there is a free road for all who are wanting to the get into this higher vibration when you give yourself that precious time of quiet solitude and breathing in the natural nature of these de-lightful waves of intelligent light… the INFINITE, LIVING, ORGANIC, CONSCOUS, INTELLIGENCE: or you can a call it whatever you want, it is the infinity light of the divine source and its here on earth for all to feel and react to.

To think that you cannot do things is creating your own barriers to getting what you want, there is no need to go into the restrictive pattern in how you get there… you can do it by just giving yourself the silent quiet time to breath and focus on your inner self.

There are no books or writing that can give you this, it’s for you to find in your heart’s desire. Thank you.

There is another thing’ happening that does not stop and has become a clear happening… when I am reading something, anything, after a while my eyes become very heavy and I ‘have to close them and when I do this I can ‘see energy swirling about in what seems to be a big space within my inner eye, as I breath into it I become immersed into the feeling and place that it takes me to and find myself in a different reality of being in the world but not of it.

Q: Can you explain this?
A: We can, you are taking yourself into that different frequency as you read and focus on words… even when it happens as you watch TV its your true being telling you to stop and look within and find out what the message is.

Q: Yes, but it is “not a message, it is a living experience, I am traveling about in a place of energy, and I cannot control it or even see what it is saying, its more to do with the feeling of it, will this become clearer as time goes on?

A: Yes, next time it happens think about being in the moment and focus on the content of what you are seeing and feeling in that moment of time.

It is telling you something even though you cannot see it yet, it is giving you the idea of being in more than one vibrational frequency and you can slip from one into another frequency of light, knowledge.

You are going through the levels of frequency into the deeper level of super consciousness and staying aware, how many do you think you go through as this happens?

I think there are four so far.

Yes, you are practicing the art of transferring yourself into other dimensions and remaining aware enough without losing consciousness.
Q: What is this for?
A: It is the progress into the higher way of living, the one that is to be the normal eventually.

Q: Is this just me or are others coming in and out like this?

A: There are many others experiencing these strange unknown things, new things, that have not shown them self before in the human physic, people will and are becoming a bit confused by it all and a lot of them are just hanging onto their old ways of thought so that they do not have to look at the new.

Q Is it random or is it given out as a pattern of energy learning.
A: It’s not random, it is a pattern of energy info given out because you are asking for it… you are asking to be able to experience different frequency while you are awake are you not!
A: Yes, I am.
A: You can know the other realities because everything is in one place past, present, and future, this is already happening, and you are beginning to recognise these attributes of your energetic nature.

When reading books or information do not take everything that is written by others as being right for you, it’s important to get to your own viewpoint, you must read and question the info so that you can then develop the info with the new understandings.

All books are written on all the different levels of vibration, as you re-read and absorbed the info that you did not see last time you looked, you go into an unknown experience and level of the frequency.

Q: will I be able to live in my physical body as well as being able to go into these advanced vibrations?
A: yes, you will learn to go in and out as you want to, and you will also discover how to share it with other in ways that are totally acceptable.

The affirmation:
My personal power is my personal power:
My life force is my life force.
No one can use my energy without my permission, and I do not give my permission.
Therefore, I am revoking all contracts in my life, known and unknown, and I will reinstate new contracts of my choice that will serve my highest good. So, it is.
This quote comes from the book by Michael Love called “Pleiadean master teachings”.

The recent info about my sovereignty has led me to saying this quote out loud with heart felt power seven times a day to change these negative thoughts that I hold about my past, it has helped me, I now know how to deal with them.

Yes, we provide you with the tools to deflect these negative frequencies away from you this is’ your chosen path and its you who can alter the way that it affects your physical body by using the right method.

As you let go of the old inner stuff that binds you to your historical past, there becomes a great space inside of you where you can link to the divine part of your makeup and feel the energy of this godlike power that is yours.

Everyone holds this within, but it has been covered by the societies demands so that there is no time in the life to explore it, as these new waves come into the earths and people’s bodies, they alter the DNA structure allowing these things to show up in different ways, if you are looking.

It is an arduous task for those who are on the cutting edge of these transformations, as they are so subtle that they almost become dream like and the whole human race has been conditioned to not look at these with an open mind but to see them as a fantasy… but this illusion is man-made, designed to stop you from asking the question and feeling your own power of life within.

All you have to do is look out at nature and see how grand that is, to know that within your own body there is this greatness and wonderful divine state of being that is part of the whole of everything you are the earth, heaven, and universe… you are the creator of life… you are god made visible within the human body… you hold these qualities as you right to be alive and functioning at this time on earth as a being of light, physical, and god, now it is time to begin to take that responsibility and act like the god that you are, in other words grow up and become the authentic being that you are.

Keep your personal power and do not give permission for others to take it, change the contracts that you originally wrote when you came to your physical life… make new ones that only feed you a positive life.

Turn away from all things that are toxic to your very soul, keep these things, people, and work at a distance where you can stay in your own personal power without worry of anything or one taking it.
Keep your mind clear of old thoughts that might lead you back to old history of family or beliefs these are not real for you anymore.

Move into your sacred space of being the divine soul that you are… everyone on earth is holding the same as you everyone on earth is equal there no-one better or worse than anyone else.

All peoples and life are equal to everything else, plant life, animals, earth, universe, all is equivalent, it’s the human mind that tells a soul they are better or not.

Everyone has their own special characteristic to living and learning, each one is a fantastic personal way of beholding life and sharing it, helping each other to grow into their truth and beauty.

Use the ability to convert the thoughts that hold you bindingly to things that are just not true, so that you are able to understand, realise, and let go of the effects that are not needed to keep your life pattern going in a way that is fully acceptable for you are your own needs.

There does not have to be great change in lifestyle just the alteration of the way you are thinking about them and how to re-order them in a way that can give you the power that you need to function on earth in the society rules but to be free of the fears that abound.

These control fears are draining your personal power, and you cannot give it away like this because you need it for yourself. Thank you for this!
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