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Can a gift of mediumship really be that simple? Are we truly living in an age where anyone can zip into a metaphysical shop, throw down some cash, purchase the "flavor of the month" oracle cards and speed back home to charge for a "reading"?
Why is there a surge of popularity in becoming a medium? Is it because paranormal exploration is a popular genre among tv audiences? Is it because the desire to join spiritualist churches and circles is becoming a common practice? Is it a desire for entertainment? It would be an interesting poll to take among this vast community of medium wanna-bees. It's not my intention to ridicule anyone's journey, I am just stating questions that seem to pop up again and again.
There are two things that jump out at me as I ponder this subject. The first is the incredible shift that is occurring in mainstream society to accept this communication with afterlife as TRUTH. How fantastic that we are no longer shunning people, labeling them as satanic creatures and worse yet burning them at the stake. We should applaud this open attitude and be thankful for the progress.
The second is the misconception that mediumship is something we can just "dial up" instantly. Countless seminars and workshops somehow make people think if they put in the right amount of attendance (paying fees to others soaking up their energy) will make them a channel or communicator for the spiritworld. Maybe it does. It is a matter for them to decide. I have witnessed the frustration within groups of the ones not able to "do it" as if it is something that is learned overnight. Desire is not going to make anyone a medium. Just because a person wants to be clairvoyant or a deep trance medium does NOT make this happen. Many of us simply do NOT have this ability. We can certainly develop our connection and strengthen our intuition and work very smoothly in our gifts assisting others.
If we could take time to stop, pause and reflect we may halt all of the trying and just accept what our role is on this planet. I do not claim to have the answer, but I know who does…YOU. Yes, just like Dorothy and her ruby slippers you have always had this knowledge. It lies within you. Your loving intention to develop your gifts in the sequence of time needed for YOU is what brings awareness. Understanding that no amount of workshops, angel certifications, cards, runes, or crystals is going to zap you with the ability to be a medium is one of the first steps. I am not saying we cannot use tools as they are of great assistance. It's much like a carpenter – first in learning the steps of how to build, then using a hammer to help achieve the goal. Recognize them simply as supplemental elements in connecting with higher conscious and the ether-world.
Frustration, anger or negative thoughts have no place in spiritual development. This will definitely hold you back. Ego can be a huge obstacle along your journey. Be sure to ask yourself often. What is my purpose in gaining this knowledge? What am I seeking? Is it for the highest good of myself, others and the universe? By setting your intention to develop in this manner you will be able to slow down and accept the guidance offered from within. Yes, we have loads of wonderful teachers all around us, but some are not physical and have a treasure chest of knowledge waiting for you.
Development takes many years. It takes a devotion and commitment in helping others. You will truly begin to see a change in your journey as you slow down and reflect. Examine all of your heart's questions and look within. This looking within can be greatly assisted with meditation and clicking your heels 3 times may not hurt...
To learn how to meditate please read
Many thanks to author Helen DaVita on her article on the same subject
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