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Today is officially the start of my weekend! I did wonder what I was going to write about as housework might not be that interesting, lol. However, I managed to have enough to do to distract me from the housework anyway so nothing about washing up, laundry or dusting is getting into this blog. Instead I decided to write about when it all goes quiet. What do I mean? Those times when it seems the Energy Beings have stepped out of our lives again.
The first thing I teach after helping someone to open up their psychic senses is how to shut them down again. That’s a very important point. At the moment the world doesn’t really recognise psychic communication or operate in ways that make it comfortable to be open all the time. I know that everyone is really energy – physically solid with an energy aura. Scientists tell us all about the atoms that make us – though I’m not sure they really understand why all those widely spaced little pockets of energy turn into a solid mass so even the physical solidity we rely on is energy too. At any moment all of us are giving off that energy – our thoughts & feelings are energy waves. Those waves are ‘charged’ depending on what they relate to. So if we are feeling & thinking positively we will be lovely to be around as others get a blast of our positive vibes. If we are thinking & feeling angry, anxious or fearful people will get a blast of those vibes too. I’m sure you understand this on one level because your intuitive senses will have fed you information about when you are in a positive or negative environment.
So being open to the energy flow as it pings against your psychic senses could end up with you taking on the energy around you that has lower vibes. That is because psychic energy is never static. It flows. And you flow with it unless you shield yourself from any energy that has too low a vibration. We all give out the energy of our feelings and once you recognise this you can work to stay in positive energy most of the time. But we are human, living in conditions were others aren’t mindful of their energy so it’s wise to be able to float in your own positive bubble. It’s also important to recognise that your psychic senses also pick up on the other energies that are all around.
When you begin to communicate with Energy Beings you are opening up to non-physical presences in our energy system. These are all around but hard to sense if your psychic senses haven’t been used for a long time. Opening up is like you have switched on a light. You can be seen again as someone who can connect. So all of the communicators who have been wandering around waiting for you to open will be delighted that you are receiving their energy once more. It can sometimes be overwhelming to discover just how many want to ‘talk’ to you. It can also be confusing & frustrating. And your psychic ‘muscles’ aren’t used to it yet. So having only a little contact at first is a really useful thing. It gives you time to adjust your world view, especially if you don’t believe in Spirits, Angels, Fairies, Dragons etc, as well as to build yourself up slowly to their levels of energy.
A lot of people worry that if you close the door on the Energy Beings they will go away for good. My Guides have never suggested I stay open 24/7. They encourage me to take a break & often withdraw if they feel I have been tuned in too much. There is always enough time for them to come back when I am ‘working’ again & get done what needs to be done. So today has been one of those closed days (mostly) where I have my head completely to myself & can get on with the everyday things all of us have to do (but not the housework, lol). If you are developing your connection & psychic senses remember to close the door so you can live this Earth life too!
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