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Shroud - Jesus?
"The Shroud of Turin or Turin Shroud is a linen cloth bearing the image of a man who appears to have suffered physical trauma in a manner consistent with crucifixion. It is kept in the royal chapel of the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in Turin, northern Italy." Wikipedia
Dr.Andrew Silverman, a medical doctor joins us on the show to discuss ideas and scientific concepts that Nigel Kerner and himself presented to a worldwide audience of experts at the recent Frascati conference in Italy, about how the image may have been formed on the Shroud. It is Nigel's thesis that the Shroud of Turin is the most powerful illustration paradigm to show the power over atoms of someone who lived for existence beyond the atomic state.
Link to Frascati presention
There is a popular misconception that the image on this cloth purportedly created by the resurrection process of the Jewish born Christian teacher Yeshua Ben Yosef (Jesus Christ), was the product of a forgery based upon carbon dating of the Shroud done in 1988. But there has been significant evidence revealed since then that suggests that the dating was invalid. As Professor Christopher Ramsey of the University of Oxford and Head of the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit which participated in the original 1988 carbon-14 dating of the Shroud, said in May 2008:
"There is a lot of other evidence that suggests to many t
hat the shroud is older than the radiocarbon dates allow, and so further research is certainly needed. Only by doing this will people be able to arrive at a coherent history of the shroud which takes into account and explains all of the available scientific and historical information."
More info from Wikipedia:
"The origins of the shroud and its image are the subject of intense debate among scientists, theologians, historians and researchers. Some contend that the shroud is the actual cloth placed on the body of Jesus Christ at the time of his burial, and that the face image is the Holy Face of Jesus, while others contend that the artefact was created in the Middle Ages, as indicated by carbon dating which placed the artefact between 1260 and 1390. The Catholic Church has neither formally endorsed nor rejected the shroud, but in 1958 Pope Pius XII approved of the image in association with the Roman Catholic devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus." Wikipedia
"Religious beliefs about the burial cloths of Jesus have existed for centuries. The Gospels of Matthew [27:59–60], Mark[15:46] and Luke[23:53] state that Joseph of Arimathea wrapped the body of Jesus in a piece of linen cloth and placed it in a new tomb. The Gospel of John[19:38–40] refers to strips of linen used by Joseph of Arimathea and John[20:6–7] states that Apostle Peter found multiple pieces of burial cloth after the tomb was found open, strips of linen cloth for the body and a separate cloth for the head." Wikipedia
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