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Book a reading with "Spirit Guide Gregory"
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII

Spirit Guide
About each video:
Part I
A recently filmed presentation featuring spirit mediums Mick & Sylvie Avery, with their spirit guide Gregory Haye talking about his transition to the spirit world.
Part II
Spirit Gregory Haye talks about the Halls of Learning, a place we can connect to with the right energy and frame of mind. He explains something of how it works.
Part III
The White Cloud Group, as you will find out, is a group of spirit beings some of whom have had a physical life and are trying to bring factual, insightful information to us living life now. This is so we can better cope with the environment, our behavior and learn through the mistakes others have made on their pathway.
Gregory takes us on a journey of discovery in how this massive group were formed and what their intentions truly are; to help us survive, learning behavior that works, and take care of our planet in the process.
Part IV
Spirit guide Gregory Haye, continues to illuminate on his journey in the Halls of Learning and the many different energies he has encountered there.
In this sequence he tells us about his friendship with a squirrel he helped during his physical life...and now he has passed to the spirit world, recounts a truly inspirational moment in his life, as this friendly squirrel repays his kindness when he steps out of a book...his own!
Part V
Here we meet with Gregory to learn how we adapt to life in the spirit world after our physical passing and other aspects of what might await us once we get there.
Part VI
How do people once they have passed to the spirit world, make recompense for deeds created in physical? In this piece, spirit Gregory explains exactly how each of us might make progress once we have finished with physical matter.
Part VII
A short film. Just how does a murderer get to make recompense or move on from his/her crimes in physical life? What really is the path of forgiveness? Does this energy of allowing exist or are there other stimulation's our consciousness has to go through to create the right pathway to change? We discover on this never-ending road to knowledge.
In this piece we look at Gregory's explanation of just how meditation can be of benefit to everyone.
Book a reading with "Spirit Guide Gregory"
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