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I had the privilege of teaching individuals with autism for many years. During that time, I have had to transform my ever-evolving belief system because my past perceptions no longer fit the parameters of my ever-changing reality. These remarkable children taught me to expect the unexpected, broadened my concept of the universe and dramatically changed my perception of what I had thought was reality. In its wake, I learned to be sure of nothing.
I struggled to remain open-minded so that I could continue to broaden my horizons of understanding and become unencumbered by outdated beliefs. I tried to create new thought patterns based on limitless possibilities. I began to act and react to situations that were brought to my attention with that awareness.
To send, to join, and to receive are the three key terms I have chosen to describe the process. Teaching can be equated with “thought sending” of mental prompts. Joining is a meditative dance where I work in communion with the individual. I am holding the keyboard, sitting in close proximity, or offering some facilitated support. Since they are so sensitive to my thoughts It is difficult to tell what is coming from the consciousness of the person who is doing the typing, what is coming from my memory bank, or what is coming from a universal field. Receiving is an intuitive narrative that I choose when my autistic partners are not physically present. I scribe answers to questions as if I am hearing the advice of a nonverbal group of individuals with autism. I use the question and answer format that I used in the article. "A Bridge Between Two Worlds". The information, I suspect, may be somewhat influenced by my personal bias and knowledge base as this is a conscious channeled experience.
Will you explain the process of thought joining, sending, and receiving?
You are about to transcend the ordinary as you seek instruction from the extraordinary. It will come to you through the process of whispered voices. Any questions we are unable to answer, we will defer upward. Ask and you will receive!
Who will you defer to?
We are guided by divine energy that unites all things and is devoid of ego.
Can you define the sub type of autism?
This type of Autism is a dysfunction or function whereby our soul has not totally integrated with the body. This lack of integration leaves our soul in a position dissimilar to those who have fully integrated. Being more attuned with our subconscious or spiritual self leaves the body unsure of how to direct itself in the physical world. As if in a dream state, we have difficulty grasping, controlling, or categorizing thought, but the knowledge itself is vast — covering innate universal truths lost by the more integrated individual. Respect and learn from us, yet know that our survival and happiness demands a level of grounding. Realize that you can reach for our truth as we reach for yours. Both are better off in the transfer.
Please clarify what you mean by a dream state.
We are exposed to free flowing thoughts that lack the organization to explain in the context of the physical body. Limit our field and we will be better able to access your domain.
Do you want to integrate fully?
We are all different, just as you are. Some of us serve as channels. Some of us are here to experience love just as any integrated human being. Some of us prefer to stay aloft, for it is our reality. In truth, it is an exalted state-one that allows our souls access to the universe.
How does your brain work?
The brain is a diffusing device, not an emanating one. Knowledge itself is in the soul. Based on our sensory experiences, we decide what to pay attention to.
People whose sensory systems are intact have a shared reality. This intactness brings about a shared reality based on shared sensory experiences. Variations occur dependent on culture, belief systems, and experience. Yet overall, sight, smell, taste, touch, and vestibular input create a shared perceptual reality. This reality helps to form the neuron circuitry necessary for a common way of interpreting matter and experience.
When a sensory disruption occurs, what we have thus far experienced is no longer valid. The brain diffuses information in random fashion. The parameters of organized thought are askew.
Do you understand what I am sending?
It depends, for abstract thought is plentiful but concrete reality is different. It is an inverse relationship to your own way of thinking. You meditate to raise your vibration and to see energy, feel the touch of spirit, or hear its voice. It demands training and concentration on your part. The more you do it, the more astute you become at uniting self with soul. In order to access this realm, you must acknowledge the universal connection. When you are engaged in higher-level thought, we are more apt to engage and comprehend not only the words but also the meaning behind them.
Is it your egos that I am tapping into, my own subconscious, or spirit coming through?
Trance is second nature to many of us, but it is an individual situation. Without the interference of ego, we have access to spiritual truth. It does not require a channeled experience amongst us. However, it does require one to share it with you. When you open your heart and join, everything else moves forward, intermingling energy so profound that one ceases to be alone. It is commingling that gives us strength.
How can I become less dominant and still keep the interaction going?
Your next step is to transfer your dominance to those coming along for the ride by submitting to the unconscious thoughts of your passengers. Give them the wheel, so to speak, by stepping back and entrusting the vehicle to them. It is your fear of the upcoming crash that holds you back. It is your fear of letting go that is holding your passengers in a submissive position. Let them drive.
Are some of you able to communicate with each other?
Of course — we are of a similar vibration, but it is more like simultaneous knowing since we have access to the universal mind.
Do some of you have precognition?
Since we have access to the universal mind through the subconscious, it is not precognition for us. We operate in two worlds. Thus we understand both what is happening and the meaning behind it. But it is often difficult for us to communicate in the context of the physical body. We do not know outcomes because they are transient, but we can surmise trends based on current behaviors of the collective subconscious. We realize that a shift in those behaviors changes outcomes. That is what we attempt to do.
Do you prefer a particular philosophical thought?
We prefer a feeling state that is spiritual, loving, uniting, and knowing. Our thoughts are unbridled and separate us from self.
Do you believe joining and sending energy affect world consciousness?
Yes, we do. It is within everyone’s ability to manipulate mass consciousness with love. If people sit in loving meditation for an hour each day, tension subsides. Unencumbered movement of spiritual essence appears in its wake. This essence heals as it flows amongst us, removing the layers of negative thought and debris that have attached to the spirit of each person. Know that to acknowledge lack is to create it. Abundant love has no boundaries. It encompasses all in its path to embrace the oneness of spirit.
I have served as a teacher of individuals with autism for 18 years. What they have taught me was to be sure of nothing, and open myself to the extraordinary. It has been and continues to be a remarkable ride. Comments and questions are appreciated. Please pass this article on to anyone you feel might be interested in this currently unexplainable phenomena.
Mary Ann Harrington
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