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As we all know, Angels are Beings of Light, which have been apart of the human psyche since time memorial. Angels have, over the millenniums, formed an important archetype, which continues to provide support, healing, assistance, friendship, guidance, and protection, especially in times of hardship, such as in a recession. In the West, it is considered one of the first written references to Angelic Beings is to be found in the Book of Noah when Enoch describes his grandson Lamech '.... his body was white as snow and red as a rose; the hair of his head as white as wool and his demema (curly long hair) beautiful; and as for his eyes, when he opened them the whole house glowed like the sun......'. The Bible itself provides a wealth of information about the existence of Angel, some of whom inhabited the earth.
Many people have worked with Angels over the centuries, but those who were responsible for bringing Angels to the fore are John Dee, Edward Kelly and James Bruce. Dee was in the service of Queen Elizabeth I as a navigator, astrologer, and occultist. Bruce set out in 1768 to re-discover the Book of Enoch, which by this time had been lost to antiquity. Interest in Angels grew during the Victorian age and since then a plethora of information as to the existence and the work of these amazing entities has come through in the form of testimonials, drawings, poetry and visions of every-day people going about their business. Thanks to the free thinkers of the 60's, whose 'irreverence' brought about investigative journalism, green issues and complementary and alternative mindsets, more and more witnesses have been prepared to voice or write about their angelic experiences.
And what have the Angels been doing whilst humans have been wandering around in self-produced smogs of fear and scepticism? Waiting patiently, whilst supporting and guiding every blinded move, but never over riding personal issues of freedom of will - how? Angels govern - that is what they do - they govern the first known elements of fire, air, water earth and ether; of the sun, moon and starts, the planets; there are Angels of the zodiac, of the hours, the days of the weeks and the months. There are warrior Angels and Angels of peace, Angels who heal and those who escort us across the Transition, Angels of justice and balance, of signs and symbols; Angels of numbers, names, crystals, colour and of nature. Angels who manage technology are called Tech Angels, irrespective of whether it exists or not, there will be an Angel governing it. Angels come in all shapes and sizes, can metamorphose, reflect and sometimes transferred onto themselves the seer fears. Under such circumstances Angels are often known as Fallen Angels. Angels' footsteps can be seen not only in our individual realities, but in reality as a whole. Scientists call these footsteps physics, maths, chemistry and biology, Theologians - the creations of an all knowing all-powerful God; Psychics, Daydream Believers and Visionaries call them magik and it is the owners of these footprints who can touch everything in our lives - if we so wish it.
So, how can we contact Angels? Firstly, few things can be achieved with a closed mind - so an open one is required; secondly, start when you feel confident. The term for contacting an Angel is an invocation, which is a ritual or ceremony that enables thanks to be given an Angel or an intercessory ritual, which is used for matters of great importance. There are many methods of making contact, all of which depends upon the how a person is knitted - so to speak. For those who feel at ease with ritual, an alter, candles and invocations are used to summons the nine principal Angelic Beings traditionally known as the 'Teaching Angels of Men'. For those who have a more direct but relaxed approach, intent and intuition coupled with purpose will summons any member of the Angelic Hosts. A continuation of these methods is if the Angel's name is already known simply speak or think the name, or if the name is not known, ask for the name a then summons. Irrespective of personal preference one issue is of the greatest importance and that is giving respect to the process of contacting and communicating with Angels and being prepared to be responsible for the consequences.
What do you need to get going? A good sense of humour (an Angel is never wrong), a reliable Angel dictionary and the confidence to know that no Angel is restricted to what is written in that dictionary. Believe contact and communication will be experienced and it will, if not it won't - unless the Angel and the high-self think otherwise. Having made contact, how do we know they are there? An Angel can make themselves know within all realms which include the senses, which are sight, sound, smell, taste, feelings, touch, and/or psychic senses of intuition, dream work, clairaudience, clairsentience an clairvoyance.
The tools used are candles, colour, and crystals and for the more experienced purposely drawn up invocations. An immediate response is as likely as a delayed response. Be confidant in what could be happening is happening, that there is no such thing as co incidence and things occur when least expected. Remember the company of Guardian Angels is constant from the time of conception until transition is complete. Expectations can blind the issue and comparisons can't work because each person is an unique individual and responds accordingly. If undecided ask your heart for although it cannot speak, it will let you know. Look out for a wing or a pair of wings, the size of which can range from a feather or piece of fluff to over 30 feet in length and 20 feet in breadth, when viewed in the etherics. Recognition of contact is usually subtle and can found in the change in temperature, change in perspective, movement within the peripherals, unrelated thought forms, ideas, dreams, tiny (or large) spheres of light, a sudden wind, gentle breeze, a draft, a ray of sun, cloud pictures, cracks in the pavement, a fallen leaf. Angels also appear as they are as well as in the human perception of their own thought form.
Where do Angels hang out? The short answer is everywhere, but they do congregate at times of the birth of life and at times of Transition, when life crosses the great divide to continue its never-ending journey. This puts hospitals into a different light - citadels of Angels. Angels are always on the scene of accidents and are responsible for the 'miraculous escape' syndrome. Angel are the one true constant in our lives - have you contacted yours yet? If not, check out
Elizabeth Francis
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