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The Threefold Flame

By:Helen Hain
Date: Thu,23 Mar 2023
Submitter:Andrew Hain

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What is the Threefold Flame?

We have been created in the image and likeness of God and the threefold flame is the spark of the Divine placed in a secret chamber of our heart at birth. It consists of three plumes, blue, yellow and pink springing from the white light of the Divine. The three plumes are aspects of God, namely power which is the blue flame to the left, wisdom is the yellow flame in the centre and to the right is the pink flame of love.

The threefold flame is closely linked with the silver cord (sutrama) which is our divine connection. It comes from the Divine into our crown chakra and then into our heart. This cord is referred to in the old testament of the Bible in Ecclesiastes chapter 12. At death the threefold flame and the sutrama are withdrawn.

The flame is considered to be 1/16 th of an inch in height and when we are not balanced the flames are not of equal size. We have to balance the size of the flames and then work on expanding them. By understanding we have all God’s qualities within us we can work on putting these qualities of power, wisdom and love into our daily lives by monitoring our thoughts, words and deeds.

The Concept of the Trinity

The concept of the trinity appears in world religions. For example, in Christianity the trinity is God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. In Hinduism the Trinity is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The trinity does not relate to three Gods but to one God.

As we balance this trinity within us we become one with God. We are all on a spiritual journey through many lifetimes enabling us to balance our karma and fulfill God’s plan for us to ascend back to our Source. It is our responsibility to live spiritual practices in our daily life.

The Three Plumes

The Blue Flame is God the Father and is the Will of God
The Yellow Flame is the Son and is the Wisdom of God
The Pink Flame is the Holy Spirit and is the love of God

It is important that these qualities are merged and balanced to ascend back to the Source of our being. This is not easy, and takes dedication and commitment to monitor how we live our lives.

Will is the energy to manifest, and, to ensure this is for the good of all, we need to apply love and wisdom. Wisdom alone is insufficient as it requires the will energy to create and love energy to ensure that what is manifested is for the highest good. Love alone can be selfish and also misdirected. As well as will energy, wisdom is essential for balance as love can be demonstrated in inappropriate ways. For example, parents love their children, but without wisdom this can lead to giving a child what is demanded and this may not be in the child’s best interests.

Balancing the Flames requires much thought otherwise we will not evolve spiritually.

What are the Rays?

When I first read about the threefold flame I was immediately drawn to thinking about the rays, especially the first and second rays which seemed closely linked with the aspects of the three flames. I then realised that the third ray was the key to implementing these qualities into daily life.

Put simply, the rays are God’s radiating white light which refracts into seven rays resembling a rainbow with each ray having its own colour and energy. We are all part of the oneness of God and are influenced by the rays. Each ray contains a small amount of the qualities of the other six as they all emerge from the one source. All seven are referred to as the rainbow rays. However, my interest lay in the first three rays and studying them along with the threefold flame was helpful and enlightening.

The first three rays are major rays and are aspects of God, and the other four are minor rays and are attributes of God. Each ray presents lessons for our spiritual growth. For this article we will consider only rays 1, 2 & 3 to enable us to define aspects of ourselves that will assist us in putting the qualities of the flames into practice. Each ray can be applied in a positive or negative way so what follows is a very brief consideration as to which qualities we can develop to put power, wisdom and love into how we live each day.

Ray 1

This is the ray of power / will and corresponds to the power of God represented by the blue flame. Positive qualities are courage, determination and purpose and there is a desire to carry out the will of God which is the will to do good for the benefit of all.

When applied negatively, pride and self-centredness mean no love or care for others, and this needs to be avoided.

Ray 1 corresponds to the crown chakra which is our connection to the divine which, in turn, is our source of spiritual guidance.

Ray 2

This ray of love / wisdom corresponds to the Holy Spirit’s love as represented by the pink flame. Positive qualities are love, patience and compassion which need to be put into practice. When applied negatively there is coldness, selfishness and lack of concern for others needs. We need to monitor our actions to check that we always adopt a loving approach.

Ray 2 connects with the heart chakra which is about unconditional love.

As already stated, the qualities of Rays 1 and 2 have to be balanced before they can be expanded so the aspects of these rays have to be considered together and their positive qualities put into action in daily life. Therefore we need to consider Ray 3 and how its aspects can be applied otherwise we stagnate. It is easy to say we understand rays 1 and 2, but the aspects of ray 3 have to be implemented to bring about positive change that can benefit all.

Ray 3

The aspect of the ray of Active Intelligence is the ability to get things done through creative endeavour by putting into action the will / power of ray 1 and the love / wisdom of ray 2. The positive qualities of ray 3 are abstract thought, singlemindedness, sincerity of purpose, devotion, and good communication, all of which benefit humanity. Negative aspects are pride, selfishness and intolerance which prevent action for the good of all.

Alice Bailey, in her book ‘The Destiny of The Nations’, explains that Ray 3 ‘finds expression through humanity’. All life is ONE and we need to do our best to ensure we benefit all humanity and not just those closest to us. We need to consider humanity as a whole. As we partner with others who are like minded, positive changes will benefit humanity as a whole and this allows God’s Plan to unfold but without the positive aspects of rays 1 and 2 this is not achievable. Whatever we do for others we do for God.

There is only one life and we are all part of it whether we call it God, The Divine or Source. We have all God’s qualities within us but sadly many never accept this and focus on the glamour of a material existence. Each of us is on a spiritual journey back to God. This involves many lifetimes as we balance our karma. This is God’s plan for us but we have freewill as to how we live our lives.

It is worthy to note that ray 3 connects with the throat chakra which concerns communication.

Not all writers mention the rays along with the threefold flame. However, Joshua David Stone in his book ‘The Complete Ascension Manual’ has devoted an entire chapter to the Rays and associated chakras although no mention is made of the threefold flame. In addition, he has written numerous helpful articles which can be found at, two of which mention the threefold flame and the rays.
Alice Bailey’s numerous books include in-depth analysis of the rays and other esoteric topics.

Balancing The Threefold Flame

The following suggestions can assist in balancing the threefold flame as without this the flame cannot be enlarged.

1. Keeping a daily journal gives insight as to how we are putting spiritual practices into daily life. We have two articles on our website which assist with this. Keeping a journal also makes us consider how we need to balance our karma. Self questioning is an aid to this and this is provided in our articles. Do take karma into account as this can contribute greatly to imbalance. For instance, misuse of power creates negative karma and affects the blue flame. Also, actions taken which lack wisdom are not for the highest good of all, adding to negative karma negatively affecting the yellow flame and likewise lack of unconditional love negatively affects the pink flame. Balancing our karma will assist in balancing the flame. By adopting practices which demonstrate power, wisdom and love positively will compensate for negative karma.

Balance in daily life comes when we put the spiritual laws into practice through ensuring there is balance in our work and relationships and also when we offer selfless service to others. This is where journal keeping is helpful but we have to be honest with ourselves.

2. Life Purpose: We all have been created with a purpose to enable our soul to evolve and have been given the right skills and circumstances to fulfil our purpose through serving others. Being of service balances karma. We are God’s instruments on earth and by serving others we serve God. One of our workshops assists participants to identify their life purpose.

3. Meditate on each flame for guidance to bring the weakest flame into balance.

4. Consider how to balance the seven major chakras and how they relate to the rays. The website has excellent information on rays and chakras.

5. Use the silver violet flame to transmute negative energy to positive energy. You can also send the silver violet flame to others. Once again the internet has helpful guidance as to using the violet transmuting flame and the silver violet flame. The Summit Lighthouse website is informative and also gives instruction on decrees.

6. See God in others even if their behaviour is not of love.

7. Share your wisdom with others, remembering ray 3 is about assisting humanity as a whole

8. Set goals to be achieved and record progress in your journal

9. We all have good and bad days and regret mistakes. However, this is where a journal assists in teaching us what positive steps need to be taken.

10. Finding like minded friends gives each other support and encouragement to stay on the spiritual path.

11. Keep consciousness at a higher level and also monitor thoughts as they create our reality.

12. The guidance given by White Eagle in Grace Cooke’s book ‘The Quiet Mind’ is simple, ‘keep on keeping on’. This is so important for steady progress on our spiritual journey.

Our website is, where a number of articles can be found.

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