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Discover how one Eclipse series ends in October '23 but is still influential in the first quarter of 2024, and one which has been causing much of the financial turbulence that we have all encountered the last 18 months.
I will share with you the importance of the energies of Libra this year, but also how a Grand Earth Trine at the turn of the year featuring Jupiter holds such opportunities.
But as this year begins, Saturn DOES oppose the Moon, and this is an aspect we need to be especially mindful of especially with regard to the property market and balancing life demands with our need for emotional security.
Learn how the year begins with Mercury Retrograde and in Detriment in Sagittarius, and alongside the brusque energies of Mars. This suggests transport systems, distribution and travel will be afflicted this year.
Also discover how Mercury Reverses in four phases through passionate Fire signs, and once, briefly through Virgo, before ending the year back in Sagittarius.
And what about Pluto's extended passage through Aquarius, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune's impact? Crucially the Nodal Axis, an Aries Solar Eclipse, a new Eclipse Series in September in Pisces, before Mars begins another 2.5 year interspaced Retrograde in proud Leo, as the year comes to a close.
But also this year offers so much hope, especially through Jupiter linking with Saturn for three months as the year begins, and connecting beautifully with Venus in May and then powering into the sparkling Gemini as May ends.
Learn how finding a better balance in our lives will become a core theme, be it in our use of resources, our relationships with others, and crucially learning to better celebrate and enrich our individuality.
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