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By:Nirupama Rao
Date: Sun,31 May 2015

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I recently heard the interview of Anita moorjani who was in a coma for 30 hours and had a vivid NDE. She was suffering from last stage cancer and was in intense pain- until she went into a coma and had an NDE (near death experience). In the NDE she found herself in a beautiful realm where she felt no pain....she only experienced unconditional love and oneness with all creation. Time was not linear and she experienced past present and future all at once. The minute she focused on someone, she knew what they were thinking and feeling!¹

As I listened to her more and more, I started comparing her out of body state with that of the children with autism. Children on the autism spectrum are also in an out of body state as their soul is not fully embodied or incarnated into the body. Hence they are partially in the earthly realm and partially in the unified consciousness or, spiritual world. (Read works of Lyrica Mia, Suzy Miller, Weston Schmier, Mary Ann Harrington and so many others to see what I'm talking about and what Rudolf Steiner said about incomplete incarnation a hundred years back)

But unlike NDE there is a thread of consciousness connecting person with autism to their body. Anita experienced bliss in her state of total astral disconnect with the body. But the children on the spectrum, unfortunately, due to the partial or improper connection, feel the pain of their improper integration resulting in poor metabolism, sensory overload and processing problems which is normally handled by the fully integrated 'ego' or 'I' or self/spirit. However, the other world or realm that children on the spectrum inhabit at the same time, all the time, is the same world that Anita and others who had an NDE visited- temporarily...the world of angelic light beings, the world where there is no individual 'I', the world of telepathy and empathy, the world where time is not linear and the world without gravity.

People who have NDE often report that they never wanted to come the other world is really a blissful place where there is only unconditional love, only oneness exists and there's no judgment. The higher beings have to convince them to go back as its not yet time...they're not done with the earth yet.
This is the parallel world that children with autism inhabit while at the same time living on the earth due to the incomplete incarnation of the soul.

Why does this happen?
There could be two possibilities being the aspect of karma and destiny....of the parents and of the children. Its a choice- a pact they've made with each other to progress in the evolution of their souls but forgot about it once they were born. They choose a vulnerable constitution that is easily affected by the impurities in the world today.

Or it could be the conscious decision of the highly evolved soul to be born this way... to raise the vibration of other ordinary souls to a higher level by being in this state of pure and positive vibration. A state of oneness with the source.

All this may sound very hunky dory but one cannot even imagine the pain of living in two such worlds simultaneously.

To escape this pain of being in this painful alien earth world, the persons with autism engage in behaviors that will keep them in their world of angelic beings...these are self stimulatory behaviors like spinning and flapping that takes them out of their painful bodily experiences.
This is exactly what the sufis do when they dance the dervish....twirl their bodies to be out of body and feel oneness with the source. ²

br> Children with autism however are always in a state of oneness with the source and this is a problem if they have to live in our society. Many children want to 'belong'; want to be more embodied but can't feel their own bodies unless they touch themselves so intensely that it manifests as what we call 'self stimulsting/injurious behavior' like head banging, hitting or pinching oneself, etc. Yet some of them have trouble feeling their presence in their own bodies.

Hence the various therapies that bring their consciousness and awareness into their bodies, like occupational therapy and sensory integration, movement activities, special diets and lifestyles to purify their physical being, etc. have come into being.

I recently came upon the life and work of Mehar baba who is said to be the Avatar of our times. He was an Avatar, a God realized Master who stopped speaking and did not speak for 44 years. Why did he stop speaking? He said that it was because enough has been said already and that now is the time to put into practice what has been said so far!
(Is this also the reason why these divine souls who are manifesting as autistic, choosing not to speak verbally?)
He did not speak for 44 years, but communicated his divine messages at first through a letter board ( which is now used in a revolutionary method called RPM that is giving a voice to many nonverbal autistics ³) and then later gave that up as well to use only gestures which were understood and interpreted by his close ones.
Now one of the most important missions of Mehar baba was that he used to seek out those whom he called the 'Masts'- those exalted beings who were one with the source that they were not in their body.4
They had no interest in or awareness of their physicality. Mehar baba said these were evolved souls passing through the space between two of the highest relams, who met God but lost the body awareness as they were stuck or lost. Mehar baba used to seek them out and serve them, bathe them, feed them and work to bring them into their bodies so they can bless the world with their mere presence.

This is exactly what Anthroposophic Curative educators (5) are trained to do. Attempt to bring the incompletely incarnated souls as much into their bodies as possible so they can meet their true destiny.

This knowledge or perspective changes the way we approach our work as care givers when we change the way we perceive divine beings rather than disabled children.

What we do may remain the same...but how we do it will undergo a 360° change.
We will then work with reverence, with devotion and serve them in the same way that the priest serves the deity in a temple although the deity promises nothing in return.

What I've shared is totally my personal experience and my understanding. However it is heartening to see that more and more people with autism are finding their voice and expressing the truth of their being and purpose, hence validating my understanding.

Nirupama Rao

Anita Moorjani¹
Avatar Mehar Baba and the Masts4( )
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Nirupama said:

Dear Ambu...that was so sweet!! Thank you for sharing! He would have reply experienced first hand the sincerity of the doctors in trying to save him!! So sweet and touching!!! Thanks once again!! <3
Tue,09 Jun 2015,18:37:38 GMT

Harinder Kaur said:

My husband had a similar experienceNDE when his heart stopped4-5 times and the doctors were trying their best.Later he told me about his experience that he was in deep sleep and very beautiful and he did not want to come back.Though at that time,I had no idea as to what he was talking about.I thought it must be the strong sedatives given to him taking a toll on him.But I curiously asked him what made you come back?I thought he would say it was for my sake or something,but he said I saw all the doctors trying so hard to save him,and that made him come back to help the doctors achieve what they were doing!!!Happened in 1985.
Tue,09 Jun 2015,17:00:25 GMT

Gauri Sanan said:

Beautiful article Nirupama!! Very enlightening and informative.
Tue,02 Jun 2015,06:07:11 GMT

Mary Ann Harrington said:

Thank you for your wonderful article Nirupama. You have captured what it is like for the severely autistic souls who seem to have not fully incarnated in their bodies, which has allowed them access to similar states of soul awareness that Anita Moorjani and others have described during NDE experiences. Even Alexander, a neuroscientist, who experienced an NDE wrote: "All I know is that when I die, I will reunite with my higher soul to a much greater awareness. That’s probably the biggest shock for the skeptic when they die, is all of a sudden they come to this realization that not only are they still here, but they are far more aware than they ever were when they were incarnate in this physical form, and they they’ll reunite with their entire soul, soul mate, go through this life review and encounter than infinitely powerful deity that is pure love, to go back into that oneness of the core." Like you Nirupama, I believe that tour friends with severe have this heightened awareness and are willing to share it with those open and ready to listen. Thank you so much for this thought provoking article.
Mon,01 Jun 2015,05:26:36 GMT
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